
联系电话 :010-68915921
E-mail :yangkun@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :9号教学楼511
- 所在学科兵器科学与技术 (03方向爆炸冲击与先进防护)
- 研究方向含能材料力热化耦合模型,战斗部安全性性能仿真,非线性动力学软件开发
- 教育背景2015年9月—2020年7月 新浦的京集团350vip8888(中国)有限公司 力学专业 硕博连读
2011年9月—2015年7月 太原科技大学应科学院 工程力学专业 本科 - 工作经历2022年7月—至今 新浦的京集团350vip8888(中国)有限公司 讲师、硕士生导师
2020年7月—2022年7月 新浦的京集团350vip8888兵器科学与技术博士后流动站 博士后 - 学术成果
主要从事爆炸与冲击动力学、含能材料安全性相关研究工作,包括含能材料点火起爆机理、宏细观力热化耦合模型、战斗部安全性数值仿真、非线性动力学软件开发等。在本领域顶级及重要期刊发表论文23篇,包括第一作者在顶刊J. Hazard. Mater. (2017, 2018), Int. J. Plast., Appl. Phys. Lett., Materials & Design; 重要期刊Mech. Mater., Euro. J. Mech. A, 含能材料上发表论文9篇,通讯作者在 Defence Technology (2021, 2022), Polymer Testing, J. Energetic Mater. 发表论文6篇,撰写英文专著章节1章,获批软件著作权4项,专利1项。主持国家自然基金青年基金、博士后基金面上项目、爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室青年基金、学术启动计划项目,参与国防基础科研、军委装发专项、军科委基础加强等国防类项目多项,入选2020年“博新计划”。 1. 代表性期刊论文:
[1] Yang Kun, Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing, Hou Xiao, Huang Fenglei. Impact-induced deformation and ignition related to localized viscous shear flow heating for high-ductility composite energetic materials. Materials & Design. 2022, 223: 111185. (Top, IF: 9.417)
[2] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Duan Hongzheng, Huang Fenglei. Sensitization and desensitization of PBXs stemming from microcrack and microvoid in responses to pressure-time loading. Applied Physics Letters. 2021, 1(119): 014102. (Top, IF: 3.971)
[3] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Wu Yi, Huang Fenglei, et al. A unified model of anisotropy, thermoelasticity, inelasticity, phase transition and reaction for high-pressure ramp-loaded RDX single crystal. International Journal of Plasticity. 2021, 144(3):103048. (Top, IF: 8.500)
[4] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Huang Fenglei. Numerical simulations of microcrack-related damage and ignition behavior of mild-impacted polymer bonded explosives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 356:34-52. (Top, IF: 14.224)
[5] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Huang Fenglei, Li Ming. Numerical simulations of mechanical and ignition-deflagration responses for PBXs under low-to-medium-level velocity impact loading. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 337:148-162. (Top, IF: 14.224)
[6] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Huang Fenglei. Damage and hotspot formation simulation for impact-shear loaded PBXs using combined microcrack and microvoid model. European Journal of Mechanics /A Solids, 2020, 80: 103924.
[7] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Huang Fenglei. Microcrack and microvoid dominated damage behaviors for polymer bonded explosives under different dynamic loading conditions. Mechanics of Materials, 2019, 137: 103130.
[8] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Huang Fenglei. Crack nucleation and growth induced by thermal phase transition for polymer bonded energetic composite materials. Composite Structures, 2023. (Revised)
[9] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing, Dong Liying. Viscous shear flow and heating of impact-extruded composite energetic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023. (Under Review)
[10] Xue Haijiao, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*. Multiple mesoscopic hotspot mechanisms model and its applications in drop impact hazard simulations. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2023.
[11] Xue Haijiao, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*, et al. Microcrack and microvoid related impact damage and ignition responses for HMX-based polymer bonded explosives at high temperature. Defence Technology, 2022, 9: 1602-1621.
[12] Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on dynamic deformation and ignition response of NEPE-based propellants. Polymer Testing, 2022, 116: 107814.
[13] Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*, Huang Fenglei. Numerical simulation of drop weight impact sensitivity evaluation criteria for pressed PBXs. Defence Technology, 2022.
[14] Dong Liying, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*, et al. Ignition response of nitrate ester plasticized polyether propellant under crevice extrusion loading. Defence Technology, 2023.
[15] Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing*, Yang Kun*, Hou Xiao, et al. Ignition response of NEPE-based propellants under drop-weight through experiments and numerical simulation. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2023. (Revised)
[16] Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing, Yang Kun, et al. An experimental study on dynamic deformation and ignition response of a novel propellant under impact loading. Polymer Testing, 2022, 107: 107472.
[17] Duan Hongzheng, Wu Yanqing, Hou Xiao, Yang Kun, Huang Fenglei. Damage-ignition mechanism studies on modified propellant with different crosslinking density under dynamic loading. Defence Technology, 2022.
[18] Wubuliaisan M., Wu Yanqing, Hou Xiao, Yang Kun, et al. Effect of neutral polymeric bonding agent on tensile mechanical properties and damage evolution of NEPE propellant. Defence Technology, 2023.
[19] Xia Quanzhi, Wu Yanqing, Duan Hongzheng, Yang Kun. Effect of temperature on ignition mechanism of Ammonium Perchorate (AP) particles under drop weight impact, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 2023.
[20] 杨昆, 吴艳青, 金朋刚, 黄风雷. 典型压装与浇注PBX炸药缝隙挤压损伤-点火响应. 含能材料, 2020, 28(10): 975-983. (2020年10期封面文章)
[21] 杨昆, 吴艳青, 黄风雷. HMX晶体热致相变对损伤影响[J]. 高压物理学报, 2022, 36(3): 030105.
[22]白晨, 杨昆, 吴艳青, 等. 不同类型装药侵彻安全性数值模拟[J]. 高压物理学报, 2021, 35(6): 065101
[23] 周睿达, 吴艳青, 杨昆, 薛海蛟. 战斗部装药侵彻损伤及热点生成研究[J]. 兵器装备工程学报. 2023.
[24] 夏全志,吴艳青,柴传国,杨昆,黄风雷. 冲击加载下PBX界面对热点形成和安全性影响. 兵工学报. 2023.
2. 其他代表性论著:
[1] 杨昆, 吴艳青. 机械刺激下混合炸药损伤点火安全性仿真软件V1.0, 2023SR0285177.
[2] 吴艳青, 杨昆. 单质炸药高压动载下力热耦合响应仿真软件. 2021SR2067383.
[3] 艾赛, 吴艳青, 杨昆. 颗粒填充复合含能材料细观建模与模拟程序V1.0, 2023SR0285176.
[4] 夏全志, 吴艳青, 杨昆. 基于PBX断层图像的细观有限元建模软件V1.0, 2023SR0403154.
[1]吴艳青, 段宏正, 杨昆. 一种用于落锤仪的驱动加载装置. 2022.9, 中国, ZL 2021 10348966.4.
[1] Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing. Mechanical and ignition responses for HMX and RDX single crystals under impact and shock loading. Wiley-VCH book (Nano- and Micro-scale Energetic Materials: Propellants and Explosives, Edited by: Weiqiang Pang and L.T. DeLuca). 2022.
- 教学工作1、指导本科生毕业设计
3、担任研究生班主任 - 荣誉奖励1、2020年博士后创新人才支持计划
3、新浦的京集团350vip8888高水平博士论文育苗基金 - 社会兼职中国力学学会会员