2007/04 – 2010/07,新浦的京集团350vip8888,宇航科学技术学院,博士
1999/09 – 2002/04,新浦的京集团350vip8888,机电工程学院,硕士
1995/09 – 1999/07,新浦的京集团350vip8888,机电工程学院,学士
2010/07 – 今,新浦的京集团350vip8888,新浦的京集团350vip8888,副教授/博导
2014/06 – 2015/06,澳大利亚国立大学,工程与计算机学院,访问学者
2004/07 – 2010/07,新浦的京集团350vip8888,宇航科学技术学院,讲师
2002/04 – 2004/07,新浦的京集团350vip8888,机电工程学院,助教
1. Liu X , Song C , Pang Z . Kernel recursive maximum correntropy with variable center[J]. Signal Processing, 2022.
2. 宋承天,焦永晖,刘向,赵宏宇.基于电容与磁复合的装甲目标近程探测方法[J].兵工学报,42(11):2310-2320,2021.
3. 宋承天,张垚彦,刘强,刘博虎.气溶胶环境影响下连续波激光引信回波特性[J].兵工学报,42(03):499-510,2021.
4. Song C , Pan L , Liu Q , et al. Extreme Learning Machine Under Minimum Information Divergence Criterion[J]. IEEE Access, PP(99):1-1, 2020.
5. Song C , Pan L , Jiao Y , et al. A High-Performance Transmitarray Antenna with Thin Metasurface for 5G Communication Based on PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)[J]. Sensors, 20(16):4460, 2020.
6. Chengtian Song, Ying Cui, Bohu Liu, FMCW Laser Fuze Multiple Scattering Model and Accurate Fixed-Distance Algorithm in a Smoke Environment[J]. Sensors, 20(9), 2604, 2020
7. Li R , Song C , Song Y , et al. Deep geometric convolutional network for automatic modulation classification[J]. Signal Image and Video Processing, 14(2) , 2020.
8. Liu B , Song C . High gain transmitarray antenna based on ultra‐thin metasurface[J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, , 29(5):1-6 2019.
9. Zhu L , Song C , Pan L , et al. Adaptive Filtering Under the Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, PP(99):1-1,2019.
10. Gao Y , Song C , Yang C , et al. Pansharpening With Joint Local Low Rank Decomposition and Hierarchical Geometric Filtering[J]. IEEE Access, PP(99):1-1, 2019.
11. Liu, Bohu, Song, et al. A frequency-modulated-continuous-wave laser detection system based on the four-quadrant photodetector[J]. Applied Physics B Lasers & Optics, 2018.
12. Liu B , Song C , Duan Y . The characteristics simulation of FMCW laser backscattering signals[J]. Optical Review, 2018.
13. Liu B , Song C , Duan Y . Design and simulation of a panoramic laser imaging fuze[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 47(4),2018
14. Duan Yabo,Song Chengtian. Influence of atmospheric aerosol backscattering on Incoherent Frequency Modulation Continuous-wave laser ranging in the fog; Engineering letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp15-21 ,2017
15. Duan, Yabo; Song, Chengtian. > 300 W laser-diode dual-end-pumped Nd: YVO4 Innoslab laser;LASER PHYSICS,V: 26,ID: 095006,2016.
16. Duan Yabo,Song Chengtian. Relevant modes selection method based on Spearman correlation coefficient for laser signal denoising using empirical mode decomposition. Optical review,V:23,p 936–949,2016.
17. Duan Yabo,Song Chengtian. Improving on HEED protocol of wireless sensor networks with sleep scheduling algorithm. Journal of Information and Computational Science,v 12, n13, p5163-5173, 2015