2006/07–2012/07, 新浦的京集团350vip8888,新浦的京集团350vip8888力学工程系,副教授
在国内外学术期刊上发表SCI和EI 收录论文60余篇,权威期刊发表研究论文45篇,授权发明专利6项。承担国家自然科学基金四项、国防基础科研科学挑战计划、装备预研专项、国家重点实验室基金等项目十多项。出版书籍《爆炸力学》(2021)、《爆炸物理学》(2019)。
1. Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing*, Wu Yi, Huang Fenglei, Chong T, et al. A unified model of anisotropy, thermoelasticity, inelasticity, phase transition and reaction for high-pressure ramp-loaded RDX single crystal. International Journal of Plasticity, 2021,144:103048-1~22.
2. Zhang Zhao, Wu Yanqing*, Fenglei Huang*. Extension of a shear-controlled ductile fracture criterion by considering the necking coalescence of voids. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 236-237, 111324.
3. Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing*, Duan Hongzheng, Huang Fenglei. Sensitization and desensitization of PBXs stemming from microcrack and microvoid in responses to pressure-time loading. Applied Physics Letters. 2021, 119, 014102
4. Wu Yanqing*, Duan Hongzheng, Yang Kun, Guo Hongfu, Huang Fenglei. Ignition and combustion developments of granular explosive (RDX/HMX) in response to mild-impact loading. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 2020, 45(8):1250-1268.
5. Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing*, Huang Fenglei. Damage and ignition simulation for evaluating impact–shear sensitivity of PBXs using combined microcrack and microvoid model. European Journal Mechanics A/Solids. 2020, 80, 103924
6. Liu Ming, Huang Xicheng, Wu Yanqing*, Huang Fenglei, Liu C. Modeling of the deformation and damage of plastic-bonded explosive in consideration of pressure and strain rate effects. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2020, 146, 103722
7. Wang, Xinjie, Wu Yanqing*, Huang Fenglei, Liu Yucun, Hu Weijia. An Anisotropic Elastoviscoplasticity Model of Thermomechanical Responses of Shocked β-HMX and α-RDX Single Crystals. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 2019, 44, 1-20.
8. Yang K, Wu YQ*, Huang FL, Microcrack and Microvoid dominated damage behaviors for polymer bonded explosives under different dynamic loading conditions. Mechanics of Materials. 2019, 137, 103130
9. Liu Ming , Huang Xicheng*, Wu Yanqing*, Chen CJ, Huang Fenglei. Numerical simulations of the damage evolution for plastic-bonded explosives subjected to complex stress states. Mechanics of Materials. 2019, 139, 103179
10. Yang Kun, Wu Yanqing*, Huang Fenglei, Numerical simulations of microcrack-related damage and ignition behavior of mild-impacted polymer bonded explosives. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 356, 34-52
1. 本科生《高压气体动力学》、《流体力学》
2. 本科生《力学概论》、《爆轰物理学》
3. 研究生《爆炸力学》
1. 指导1名博士研究生获兵工学会优秀论文奖
2. 指导2名硕士、1名博士研究生获校级优秀论文
3. 指导1名硕士优秀毕业生
4. 指导1名博士生获国家奖学金
1. SCI期刊《Defense Technology》编委
2. 《含能材料》专栏编审
3. 含能材料前沿(英文)(Energetic Materials Frontiers)编委
4. 中国工程物理研究院总体工程所客座研究员、中国工程物理研究院化工材料所客座研究员
5. 国际期刊《J Appl Physics》、《Measure Sci Tech》、《Int J Solids Structure》、《Mech Mater》、《J Hazard Mater》、《J Physics: Condensed Matter》、《Defense Technology》、《Acta Mechanica Sinica》的审稿专家
6. 国内期刊《固体力学学报》、《爆炸与冲击》、《含能材料》的审稿专家。
1. 含能材料安全性定量评价测试系统研制
2. 含能部件力-热-化学耦合的细观表征
3. 单质/复合含能材料损伤-点火-燃烧反应流模型
4. 战斗部安全性数字化设计及软件开发
1. 含能材料非线性粘弹性损伤本构模型
2. 微界面力学及细观测试方法
3. 装药结构界面失效理论及判据
4. 固体火箭发动机结构完整性跨尺度方法