2015/10-2019/12 帝国理工学院 博 士
2012/09-2015/06 中国科学院大学 硕士
2008/09-2012/06 山东大学 本 科
2022/02-现在 新浦的京集团350vip8888 预聘副教授
2019/12–2021/11 诺丁汉大学 博士后
1. 代表性期刊论文:
[1] Wenqiang Zhang, Mehdi Vahdati. “A Parametric Study of the Effects of Inlet Distortion on Fan Aerodynamic Stability”. ASME. Journal of Turbomachinery 141.1 (2019): 011011.
[2] Wenqiang Zhang, Mehdi Vahdati. “Stall and Recovery Process of a Transonic Fan With and Without Inlet Distortion”. ASME. Journal of Turbomachinery. 142(1): 011003.
[3] Wenqiang Zhang, Mehdi Vahdati, Fanzhou Zhao. “Impact of exit duct dynamic response on compressor stability”. ASME. Journal of Turbomachinery. 10.1115/1.4048153
[4] Wenqiang Zhang, Mehdi Vahdati, “Investigation of the tip injection for stall control in a transonic compressor with inlet distortion”. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 5 (2021): 28-38.
[5] Wenqiang Zhang, Sina Stapelfeldt, and Mehdi Vahdati. "Influence of the inlet distortion on fan stall margin at different rotational speeds." Aerospace Science and Technology (2020): 105668.
[6] Wenqiang Zhang, Armin Shahmardi, Kwing-so Choi, Outi Tammisola, Luca Brandt, and Xuerui Mao. "A phase-field method for three-phase flows with icing." Journal of Computational Physics 458 (2022): 111104.
[7] Bowen Li, Qiangqiang Sun, Dandan Xiao, Wenqiang Zhang*. Numerical Investigation of the Aerofoil Aerodynamics with Surface Heating for Anti-Icing. Aerospace 2022, 9, 338. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace9070338
[8] Xiao, Dandan, Wenqiang Zhang, Qiangqiang Sun, and Xuerui Mao. "Linear and weakly nonlinear dominant dynamics in a boundary layer flow." Physics of Fluids 34, no. 5 (2022): 054101.
[1] • 05/2016 发明专利 ZL 201410147818.6 等离子体压力探针及利用其测量压力的系统,发明人:张文强,李帆,林峰
[2] • 09/2016 发明专利 ZL201410325277.1 一种压气机叶顶等离子体扩稳系统,发明人:林峰,张文强,王子楠
[3] • 02/2016 发明专利 ZL 201310413706.6 基于辉光放电原理的等离子体流动显示装置,发明人:李继超,林峰,李帆,张文强,聂超群
[4] • 09/2014 实用新型 ZL 201420178777.2 压力温度可调的气体放电等离子体发生装置,发明人:李帆,张文强,林峰
• 2019年 Great Britain-China Educational Trust (GBCET) Chinese Student Award
• 2019年 ASME Young Engineer Award 美国机械工程师协会
• 2018年 ASME SAC Award 美国机械工程师协会
担任Aerospace Science and Technology,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,Aerospace,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics等多个国际期刊的审稿人,并多次担任叶轮机械领域国际会议GPPS和ASME分会主席等。